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Mrs. Vicki L. Breaux (View Profile)



13 - 21



"Ambassadors for Christ." 



Navy Blue (truth, loyalty) and Gold (heaven and honor) 



"Take My Life and Let it Be". 



The Youth Missionary Society, formerly called the Young Women’s Missionary Society was organized in 1909 in Salisbury, NC by its founder and first General Secretary, Miss Victoria Richardson. It was adopted in May 1912 in Charlotte, NC. We honor and recognize Miss Victoria Richardson Day on the second Sunday each January which is closest to her birthday which is 12 January. The Y’s Society was organized to give the opportunity and privilege for young ladies to serve others. Young men are now allowed to become honorary members; however, they have no voting privileges and may not hold an office position. 




Greetings to YOUth! 


Wanted to share with you the latest information from the Executive Board meeting in Greensboro, North Carolina. The Board is working hard to make sure this is a Convention you won’t forget. Information and updates will start coming your way, please make sure you distribute so that we’ll keep on track. 


Check out the 2nd “V-Note” Newsletter. Click here. 


Activities include our mountain moving experience at the March Leadership Training Institute. Be sure to look at the Convention highlights on page 4, especially the WANTED section. Remember to send me write-ups and snapshots of what you’re doing in your areas at all levels (Conference, District and Local Churches). Next newsletter planned for November. 



Youth (ages 13-21) are asked to submit short devotions/meditations as part of their literature. Total of 60 devotions/meditations needed. Click here for the guidelines. Deadline - September 30, 2014


Photos of our youth in action to include with my Quadrennial report. Not just Y Secretaries but of our youth. Include Conference, District and Local Church missionary activities (not Christian Education). Youth highlighted and/or awarded for mission work and achievements. Deadline – February 2015.


If your Conference, District or Local Church have participated in any of the “Victory Projects” (Jeans for Teens, CWS-Hygiene Kits, and “Gift Ark Project”) let me know. These projects will be highlighted at the Convention. Deadline – February 2015. It’s not too Late to Participate!


All donations for the “Gift Ark” go directly to Heifer International either on-line or by using the offline donation form. Deadline for this project is January 2015. Click here for the offline Gift Ark Donation Form.


“YOUth Make a Difference” t-shirts will be worn at the Convention. District Youth Secretaries are to wear blue jean skirts and their t-shirts during the Youth Celebration. Youth Delegates and other youth participants will be notified when to wear their t-shirts once the final program is set. Get your t-shirts early. I have a small supply of t-shirts available for sale now!

This is just a start – YOUth will be hearing from me again soon! Now is the time to start praying for the success of our Convention. I'm asking you to pray for me as I will be praying for each of you. As always, if you need me don’t hesitate to contact me. 





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